DIY Gretchen Jones Necklace

by Erica in D.I.Y. A couple of months ago, while visiting New York, we met the lovely Gretchen Jones and were fortunate enough to spend an entire day crafting in her über charming Brooklyn apartment. Not only is she amazingly talented and fascinatingly storied, Gretchen is one of the most humorous and genuine people we’ve gotten to know. After raiding a local hardware store for supplies and hardware, we spread out over her workspace, and whipped up several pieces of jewelry while sharing anecdotes. One of our favorite pieces was a necklace inspired by the honeycomb Universe necklace from Gretchen’s collection. With some brass rings, neon cording and a clever trick courtesy of Ms. Jones, this bold statement necklace is a cinch to DIY! (PS scroll down for the giveaway details!) You’ll need: various sized brass rings neon nylon mason line cord scissors lighter Start by laying out a pattern. Even tho...